Ready to go!

Déjà Vu.

Our Great Loop Adventure began on 8 May, 2018. We thought we’d be close to “Crossing our Wake” (a term meaning the completion of the Great Loop), but medical setbacks have cost us a year off the boat.

I’ll be honest. I have been a little fearful anticipating this next portion (Phase II) of our trip. I’ve been, as they say, “waiting for the other shoe to drop.” (…as it did numerous times this last year.)

We have had expectations and set goals, only to have “life” get in the way. We have amended our plans so many times. I was afraid of making flight reservations, I dragged my feet until the last minute to start packing, and I certainly didn’t want to blog about my reticence. 

Pete got his final medical clearance and we purchased our one-way tickets to NY, arranged for the one-way car rental, booked a room and started packing! 

This time, we were more efficient. We mailed a couple of boxes to General Delivery in Burlington, VT. We reduced our luggage (the boat already had much of our cruising wardrobe), and it took a fraction of the time to prepare our home for an extended absence. 

The preparations felt familiar and the anxieties melted away as the excitement mounted. 

We were on the plane one week later!

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